
Welcome. Here I'll share my parenting journey and hope you can connect and relate.

On Dads, Then and Now.

My Dad, was a wonderful man and a wonderful Father. He was encouraging, supportive, playful and completely committed to parenting. 

He shared his loves and passions with us, including us in his "play" as much as he would join ours. 

He modeled the strive for success in business balanced with the appreciation for balance and enjoyment of all aspects of your life. 

He fostered and grew the critical relationships in his life, making time for family, friends and most importantly us. 

He was at my Brother's ball games cheering from the stands. He was at my theater performances, giving me standing ovations as I took my bow. 

He would encourage us to listen and appreciate his music, but would be the first one to buy us our favorite new bands CD and give it a listen with us. 

He parented with empathy, direct communication and compassion. And the knowledge that every kid deserves a twinkie. 

So, when I looked for my own partner, my own future Father of my children, I sought someone similar.

Someone who was kind, and listened and cared about others.

Someone who had convictions of their own to share and be a model of.

Someone who was stable, and encouraging and loved openly.

Someone who would be a partner to me in the way I saw my parents be partners to each other. 

And I found him. And he loves music and sports like my Dad too. 

And has his own special quirks and lovable personality traits. 

But the point of this, is I feel so immeasurably happy that my children have the Father that they have.

Because I know.

I know what having a wonderful Father means. I know what it looks like. I know the impact it has. The ongoing impact that the unconditional love of a parent has. 


Happy Father's Day Dad, I miss you everyday. 

Happy Father's Day Matt, you are fucking awesome. 

Just What I Needed

Just What I Needed

At Play